The story of my year

by - December 31, 2018

Hello beautiful souls,

as the year is ending, - like a lot of you - I also feel like I need to review my year.
It's like almost a tradition for me to check my best nine, so I can see my most memorable moments.
This year was a real roller coaster. Sometimes I felt like I'm at the top of everything and other times I was so depressed I couldn't even leave the house.

I lost someone.

People, that I defined as friends - left me.
My heart was broken two times this year. I have no idea how, but I managed to survive the crying days, the panic attacks - and you.
I was so miserable of a heartbreak, that I couldn't eat for days, I throw up for a whole day and I almost burned down my hair.
I realised the worst thing you can say to someone is that you never want to see them again.
I had the worst migraines. The last one lasted for two days - ended the last day of 2018 (what a strange way to end the year).
Unfortunately from this year I'm unable to take any medicin - I would say you not helped me with that.
I can't learn it, but I try so hard to realise, that it's not my job to save people from themselves or from the bad circumstances. 

But oh boy, 2018 gave me so much.

I got back my passion for writing, reading and traveling.
My short novel was actually published in a physical book.
I've many exhibition and event ideas.
I visited a couple of countries - I traveled alone for the first time.
I started yoga again.
I colored my hair, so I've a little blue and purple in it.
I started to live alone - and I couldn't love it more.
I went to many cultural events, fell in love with the different ways of art again.
Had a difficult love relationship with water again - yeah, still can't swim - but saw the most beautiful sunset at the sea - fell in love with Balaton (lake in Hungary) even more if it's possible - spent a lot of time next to the Danube and went to baths without the bikini body.
Visited concerts, museums, went for a beer to catch up with friends, tried ukulele.
And I had so many really, really happy moments.
I was blushing a lot.
I was smiling a lot - sometimes I couldn't even stop smiling - how much I loved to be happy.

2019 - I have no idea how we will get along but I promise I will try my best.

With love from B ♥

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