November goals

by - November 01, 2017

Hey there beautiful souls

and November is here, I've absolutely no idea where this year gone by, but obviously it won't help me to enjoy life thinking about that.
It's been a long time since I made any lists about my goals, so here I'm trying to be smarter.
The last couple of weeks were though enough so after I put some weight on because of unhealthy habits I tried to cut them off or minimal, so I don't eat as many junk food, crisps, chips ect. like before and not drinking sparkling drinks - just sometimes.
Wanna manage my finance things also, get on weekend getaways - and not stressing about work that much. Old friends are back in my life - and happily they are such positive minds.

So here are my November goals:
  • Write to do lists
  • Track your spendings
  • Don't drink sparkling waters / cola - thinks like that
  • Don't eat junk food or chips - maximum once a week
  • Cook more - healthy food!
  • Go every week to some cultural events -  theatre, movies, museums, talks
  • Don't drink too much alcohol
  • Don't run after people - be alone if you need to for this two months
  • Go to a yoga/dance/aerobic class - get out from your comfort zone!! - at least exersice at home
  • Draw
  • Write your ideas down
  • Don't let your blog and magazine down
  • And read at least 3 books this month

What are your November goals, share your thoughts and posts about it :)

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥

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  1. Good luck with your goals! I always write to do lists because they keep me focussed x

  2. This is a great list!! Many of these are also my goals, especially, don’t let your blog down! Mine are; It’s okay to say no, I don’t have to explain my decisions to everyone, and, cut back on sugar/eat healthier. Have a great day!
