Amsterdam diary

by - March 18, 2018

Dear Readers,

I've no idea, when was the last time I called you readers (maybe never?) but that shows how everything is changing here.

This year bought already many good and bad things in my life, but the most important thing is my travel bucketlist. Yes, as the year started I wrote down my dream destinations - you can check my last post about my goals here
12 countries is the dream... okay 12 different cities - I would not be that sad if some of them would be in the same country. So far I visited Venice in Italy, Amsterdam in Netherlands and will visit Croatia in the end of March.
So let's see a little article my Amsterdam experience. 

  • With what did I travel, where did I stay?
As a countryside girl I'm not afraid of hostels and cheap solutions, so I went almost with the cheapest ones. I travelled with Flixbus - almost a day bus time there but was actually almost enjoyable and I stayed in a hostel called Princess at the Overtoom street. If you are a queen or king of cleaning, please don't go there . The room I stayed was okay and I had luck with my 3 roommates, the receptionist guy was also nice and helpful, it's definitely okay when you just going to sleep there

  • What I like to do in a new city?
Getting lost, seriously, as soon I left the bus I got lost, I basically planned it, so no freak out time, I walked on streets where was noone outside - no sign of any tourists - that's how you get to know a city. 

  • Did I use public transport?
Walking is the cheapest and nicest way to explore. I did not use any public transport - I was like 30 minutes walk from the center.

  • What I drink/eat?
Let's just say I don't want to see any waffels in the nearest future :D Basically eat and drink what dutch people are having - at least what other people think they have.
  • Other tips?
Talk to strangers, help them to have a perfect picture if they are having doubt with the selfie game.
Free walking tours - absolutely recommending this one - I did mine with Lennart - here is some info about the tour. In this way you get to hear some city stories from insiders - that's how I know how many bicycles are in the canals of Amsterdam or how dutch people are thinking about some important things.

Travel more, open your heart 'til you find that city, country which you can call your home.

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥

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