10 Facts About Me

by - August 29, 2016

Hi my lovelies,

tha last days of August are here, so let's enjoy the rest of Summer.
If you follow me on Twitter, you may saw my poll about "What would you like to see on my blog next?". 
The winning answer was the "10 Facts About Me".
So here you go :) Hope all your wish come true like this ;)

In case you can't read my handwriting, here is the list:
01.: I moved out from London
02.: My name is Brigitta
03.: I'm an ambivert (introvert + extrovert)
04.: I've lived in three different countries
05.: I'm obsessed with chocolate
06.: I hate to make phone calls
07.: I love to crochet
08.: I'm a graduated Philologist with spec. in Communication
09.: I'm a short person (1,6m)
10.: Midlife crisis has hit me hard

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥

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