The Bloggers Hangout

by - September 13, 2015

Hi everyone!

Hope you all had an amazing start into September.
For me it's pretty amazing by the blogger side, many events, amazing bloggers and nice brands!
I'm so happy that I'm in The Bloggers Hangout community. They are making amazing events, they are always so enjoyable, I had the opportunity to meet amazing brands through them. 
I could write tausend post all of the events, but it would be so much! :D
So here are some pictures  (click on them for higher quality) from the Vernez app (you should check them, it's an innovative fashion app) launch and about the Blogger Fashion Week.
Reviews from the products coming later.

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥
Moyang Yang, Vernez app

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  1. wonderful blog, I love it!
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    I love to read interesting blogs :)
    Greetings from Poland!
