
London is so pure

by - February 09, 2015

Hey beauties,

I'm so happy, that nowadays I can bring you exciting posts. The last one was about the MTV Brand New, and this one is about Pure London.
Pure London is the UK's favourite fashion buying event at London Olympia this time from 8th to 10th February. Tomorrow is the last day so if you don't want to wait until August take a look at it and fall in love with fashion.
Yesterday I visited Pure London, and it was such a great feeling to explore new brands and see my favourites. 
If you follow me a long time you know I always make collages, so in this post you can see my favorite designs and clothes. One of my favourite print were presented by Lashes of London. You can see the cactus and unicorn prints on the picture. The most british brand was Darling with red telephone boxes, what was absolutely stunning and original. Little Mistress had beautiful evening dresses, many colour and many choices. Lola May and Skeena S had beautiful design what I wanted to show you of course. Brise had an amazing lbd, and I absolutely fell in love with their dresses. And the cutest label was Book of deer, with lovely prints and Aurora Borealis ;) 
Can I ask for more?
Probably YES, for the last day of Pure London :)

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥

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  1. Great post dear, looks like you had fun, I'm so jealous :)

  2. Olá!!! Lindo seu blog!
    Que tal seguirmos uma a outra?


  3. lovely photos!
    it seems like you had an awesome time!

  4. love the pictures, look like fun :)
    lets follow eachother! just let me know and I will follow back :)

    - www.angelaah91.blogspot.nl

  5. Oh this is so nice, I need to check this out. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing.

    Jo of Say Cheesy Cake
    Say Cheesy Cake on Bloglovin

  6. Hope you keep attending event like this, best of luck to you! <3

    love always,

  7. Oh this looks and sounds nice, too bad I couldn't be there!

    Have a great day,

  8. Awesome shots! Looks like you had fun xo

