7 facts about meblogger awardbloggersblogginggalsfacts about meget to know megirlgangnominationThe Versatile Blogger Award
The Versatile Blogger Award
Hi lovelies,
I recently wrote an about me blog post (if you are interested check it out here) but there is a nice award going on right now in the blogger world and two amazing ladies Hannah from Hannah's hints and Srna from A crush on life just nominated me for doing a 7 facts about me post, so here I am doing it :D
Thank you girls! :)
I nominate these amazing souls:
Tori from Pinafores & Posies,
Danielle Jade from Danielle Jade
E from P & P style,
Jade Marie from It's my mental health,
Emily from Love Emily,
The rules are simple:
- Give a shout out to the blogger who nominated you
- Write 7 facts about yourself
- Nominate your fav bloggers
Fact One: One of my favourite movie is Pride and Prejudice, I guess I saw it at least 20 time :DD
Fact Two: I love music festivals, I love the whole atmosphere, and the feeling to leave the world behind.
Fact Three: I have never been on a plane before. I hope this will change cause I wanna visit Iceland next year.
Fact Four: I have really realistic dreams, sometimes I have no idea if I dreamed a thing or it happened me in real life.
Fact Five: Every time I move somewhere I gain weight in the first two weeks.
Fact Six: I'm a dog person.
Fact Seven: I love being a volunteer, because it makes me feel good and useful, not to mention that you can meet so many cool people.
Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥
i LOOOOVE pride & prejudice too! & am definitely a dog person hehe xx
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award and thank you for nominating me. :) Have a great weekend. :) xoxo
ReplyDeleteP&P style ♡ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ♡