Happiness this way! - Starting my own magazine
If you think about what makes you happy... do you call that thing or person happiness? Or how would you describe happiness?
A current research shows that even healthy well living people are unhappy. How "shocking", right? If you are working hard for your money - you always think you would be happier if you would be wealthier.
But the ugly truth is that you wouldn't.
We always have excuses for why we are not happy at the moment. We try to masquerade our present. We do it with purpose... all the time. But the question is, what is the purpose of our act of refusing happiness. Do we think we don't deserve to be happy? Why we can't accept that every day is a gift and this fact alone could be already enough to be happy. To be alive should mean we are happy.
Despite the beauty of nature and good people, we are never satisfied. We think that everything was easy for Charles, and Emma never needed to work for anything because of her pretty face. She/he has that/made that... but here I am and I am nothing. I always tried my hardest, but it was always difficult for me. No one believed in me, and no one helped me. I have no money, and I don't have a great network, so I can't start a business. I have dreams, but they are fading away. I always look tired because my life is hard, maybe harder than yours... Familiar thoughts?
Of course, it's hard, and of course it's easier for others, but here's the thing: you deserve to be happy.
Your life won't change for one day to another, but start to learn about happiness. People will hate on you, if you are happy. They will suggest right away, that you are only happy because you have an easy life.... but don't be ashamed to be happy.
Don't hide your own smile just because other people think they have a miserable life.
Do we need to spend millions of pounds on research or do we just need to focus on the fact that it's okay to feel good?
They will eventually find out that people who are thankful for life are happier, and that people who don't worry every single day about work or how embarrassing that event was ten years ago are happier.
That's why I started this magazine, find the happiness inside us, see the lights of the life. Share your smile and try to find lovely people. Find connections, stay connected, and never feel that you are not enough for love or respect.
PS.: I met this amazing lady last year, thanks to her I laughed so hard that my stomach was hurt for days. I choose this picture because we couldn't stop laughing during making photos. We are not the prettiest on this one but I hope you can see that we were pretty happy on this day.