
January - MTV Brand New

by - January 31, 2015

Hey lovelies,

tomorrow is February! Time is flying like always. 
So before we let January go, let us see how it was.
I'm absolulety thankful for every little nice moment in this month. 
How was your first month of 2015?
I can say this year has brought many changes, not just in my hair (I colored it again :D) but in my life too. 
Living in London is hard, but to see the city as a tourist is always a good idea, that's why my sister and me had a week when we were just tourists, and I can say it was great :)))
Luckily we had the opportunity to attend the MTV Brand New, and not just one, but two nights. 
This two nights were incredible. First night I had the chance to see live Sinead Harnett, James Bay and Charli XCX. The second night Saint Raymond, Years & Years and Clean Bandit.
Charli XCX made a perfect show, this girl is crazy and she knows how to make a party. Years & Years were amazing and James Bay's songs went straight into the heart. MTV Brand New I just loved you so much. And now see the pictures.

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥

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  1. I am so jealous, I am in love with James Bay, Saint Raymond and Years and Years I bet it was amazing!

    infinity of fashion// Lucy Jane

  2. Sooo cool! I watched Charlie XCX at Glastonbury last year! :)

    Tara x

  3. Two great nights. :) Charli XCX made an amazing show and Years & Years... I think, I fell in love with them. :)

    P&P style ❤ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ❤

  4. Nice post dear!
    happy new month
    i'm following you via GFC,kindly follow back

  5. Hello honey! Do you want follow each other vua bloglovin? If yes, just follow me there and I'll follow you as soon, as its possible.


  6. Saludos. Bonito post.

  7. So cool! Happy 2015 <3
