
Fashion Diary

by - July 13, 2013

Hey beauties!

It's almost Saturday, so I hope you have good plans for the weekend!
This post will be a little personal, I hope you don't mind it!
Well, I won via Unicorn/Dream magazin a fabulous prize: a
I was really happy when I saw it in my letter box, better to say, the postman gave it to me :)))
Well, I can say this book is amazing.
It's not just a diary, more than that. You can collect your inspirations, write all of your fashion stories, like which was your best outfit, how you felt about that, how the fashion changed in all the years.
And you know what else is there? DIY ideas, place to your images, and a little fun with 'fashion sudoku'.
So all I want to say: this book is amazing, so get your own diary!
+ I'm obsessed with James Dean, and it was a really big surprise when I saw a little photo of him in the book.  :))
Have a wonderful weekend!

PS.: I've some pictures for you, sorry my face is there too :DDD

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  1. Oo, this book looks awesome! Thank you for sharing!~ ^__^ <3

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC/Bloglovin? Junniku blog [Click!]
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  2. Hey,

    thank you, I like it, too :)

    I followed you via GFC :)

  3. That looks so cool:) I need to get one!

    Laila | Townhouse Palette
    -would you like to follow each other on bloglovin/gfc?

    1. yeah, I know, I love it too :)))
      I followed you via GFC :)
      Have a nice weekend :)

  4. Hi there, I would like to invite you to enter my GIVEAWAY!!
