Queenscliff to Sorrento: Sailing the seas with Searoad Ferries

by - January 12, 2024

Dear beautiful souls,

As 2023 bowed out, we thought we'd spice up our New Year's Eve with a spontaneous road trip. Little did we know, this last-minute decision would unfold into a Sorrento visit filled with unexpected twists, waves of laughter, and the most crystal-clear waters I've ever seen in Australia. 

To reach Sorrento, we opted for the ferry with Searoad Ferries, navigating through Queenscliff Harbour, the picturesque town of Queenscliff, and the delightful village of Sorrento. You can access more information about the ferry here.
But let's talk about the prices first: the return ticket price for the ferry stands at $32.00 for an adult, easily accessible online with some discount. You can buy the ticket here for foot passengers.

With tickets in hand, our journey began in Queenscliff, where the ferry set sail for Sorrento. This seaside village welcomed us with its eclectic charm and panoramic views. The historic buildings, adorned with cafes, art galleries, and shops, created a captivating blend of old-world charm and modern allure. Queenscliff Harbour added its touch to the scene, with the observation tower providing a stunning 360-degree view, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the coastal tales that unfolded around us.

After enjoying the panoramic views, we hopped on the ferry, choosing to brave the winds on the top deck. The breeze was invigorating as we sailed, and despite the gusts, the sunny weather made the outdoor experience perfect. Arriving in Sorrento, it was like stepping into a coastal dream. 

A Glimpse into Sorrento's Past
Sorrento's history is intricately woven into the fabric of Australia's exploration. When the area opened for housing development in 1869, the name 'Sorrento,' borrowed from the Italian seaside town, was bestowed upon what was initially known as Sullivans Bay. Long before European settlers arrived, the Boonwurrung people, custodians of the Mornington Peninsula, called Sorrento's land Bullanatoolong. 

As we prepared to leave Sorrento, we longed for a beachside dinner. However, timing not played our hand, and the restaurant's kitchen only opened at 5 pm, just after we left for the ferry. Classic, right? Yet, the crystal-clear waters of Sorrento painted a serene backdrop, bidding us a fitting farewell to our maritime adventure.


But the adventure wasn't done with us. After the ferry ride and Sorrento's charm, our car decided to remind us of its existence... New Year's plans were in disarray, so, with no grand fireworks or fancy dinners, we welcomed 2024 at home.

So, if you're seeking a scenic escape, consider Searoad Ferries for a voyage that connects the charming towns of Sorrento and Queenscliff. Here's to more spontaneous adventures and laughter in 2024! 🌊🎉

With love from B ♥

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  1. The Photos are adorable. I love your Outfit. And the Water looks clear blue. Happy Weekend

    1. Thank you, the water was just so pretty :) Wishing you a nice weekend too :)

  2. Wow love your dress. Can never complain with last minute decisions and spontaneity. Looks like you had a fab time and that water... x


    1. Thank you :) Some spontaneity is always good, hehe :)

  3. Hi,
    It looks like you had a lot of fun on that ferry, your relaxed look is very nice!

    1. Thank you so much, absolutely! It was a great experience :)

  4. Beautiful pictures. The environment looks serene


  5. Que bonito! Já tenho saudades de dar um passeio de barco :)

  6. Oh this looks like a lovely trip. And $32 that is not a bad price. Agreed! These are the bluest waters ever!

    Allie of

    1. Definitely a fair price and the return trip altogether is 1,5 hour on the ferry :)

  7. Such a wonderful trip and beautiful pictures!

  8. What a beautiful place! I hope you enjoyed lots!

  9. Ohh I love being on a ferry. So much fun!
    Happy 2024!


  10. Looks and sounds a very nice trip.
    I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  11. Those views and that sunshine! What a way to ring out the old year
