Romantic walks with StyleWe

by - September 20, 2016

Hi lovelies,

seems like Autumn starts to feel real. The sun is still shining, but the wind gets stronger and the path is yellow from all the fallen leaves.
I thought I would romanticize these days.
The last couple of months I wanted to visit a wedding, but none of my closest friends had anything like a wedding, so I still waiting for an opportunity to feel myself like a princess.
I made a collage from the most beautiful dresses from StyleWe. 
I guess you understand now why I wrote romanticize, because the first word, which gets in my mind seeing these dresses is romantic. They are still perfect for those boho, fall weddings. Somehow I feel like there would be perfect with flower crows where the leaves are falling from the tress.
Okay I will stop it, before everyone gets emotional here. 
You can check out StyleWe for sexy skirts, obviously for sales and also the creator of these beautiful dresses here, as blushfashion.
And if you need some inspiration you can head to the fashion blog of StyleWe, the latest post is the 5 must watch fashion films - I guess I've found my movie for tonight: The Devil Wears Prada.

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