
LFW memories I.

by - October 30, 2014

Hey my lovelies,

first: I apologize for being so lazy with the blog.
second: thank you for your constant support.
third: this post, so let's go!
To live in London is like being in a relationship. Sometimes you just want to run away other times you love it so much that's almost not possible.
My September was full of work and full of fun, I got so tired that I couldn't wrote my thoughts down.
LFW. I can't say more than that. Fashion was everything in September.
The first event where I took part was a store event by Almost Famous London.
What can I say? Loved every second of it. If you have the chance visit their store and buy something ;)
I can't say thank you enough for it (and for the goodies!), probably you will see on the pictures how much fun I had that night.

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥


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