
Dressale wishlist

by - April 24, 2014

Hey my lovelies!

Next week is already May, which means we are so close to summer.
Today I show you my Dressale wishlist and a beautiful black dress, which is 70% off for the next 5 days.
Don't you think it's perfect for a party?
So many beautiful dresses for weddings, special occasions or for a wild saturday night.
If you don't know this online store, then it's time to check their website.

"Our mission is to help global customers enjoy the magic of shopping on Dressale.com, enjoy the feeling of buying high quality goods in low prices, enjoy the latest fashion from all over the world."

Note: They ship worldwide for low prices, but they have plans for the future, so they will ship for free.

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥

You can find it here!
1., 2., 3., 4.

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  1. Dont trust this site dear, they fooled me too, never replied to my mails after!

    1. thanks hun, there was no problem with them by the first time, but then they didn't replied to my mails too :S


  2. Omg! The 2 dresses in black! Fall in love! <3


    Att. Alexa Bernal

  3. Loooks great! Very nice blog you have

