
Goodbye July!

by - July 31, 2013

Hey lovelies,

it's so weird, that July is over yet, but you know new month, new hope, new adventure!
August will be good, I can feel it in my veins ;)
And some little things about my life.
On Monday I caught new denim shorts and a fabolous Rolling Stones shirt, so my Monday was pretty good ;)
And today I got a packet from a lovely girl! And do you know what was in the packet? 
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I'm sooooo happy that I've this amazing book. I have already read it in my language... but this is such a beutiful edition, and English, so I think I'll read it again and again :D
Some pictures for you from me!
Enjoy the next month of summer honey!
oooooh, and you know, I wrote I want to visit other festivals this summer, I'll do it! ♫♥♫

With love from Fashion Lights

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  1. Ich finde dein Shirts übrigen sehr gut <3

    Allerliebste Grüße,

  2. danke :))) ooooh, ich liebe es so sehr! :)
