
by - December 15, 2015

Hi everyone,

Christmas is around the corner. Can't believe we are almost celebrating 2016.
Holiday season is a beautiful time but also can be stressful.
As a woman I know most of the time we are freaking out about nonsense things.... or what to wear to look "perfect"? 
And with a classic sentence we just lying crying on the floor "We have nothing to wear!".
And in that case just turn on your laptop and start to look for your new wardrobe.
You can find many online shops, and there are sites which are making your life easier to accumulates catalogues, like the Approved catalogues.
You can easily select what you are looking for, like clothes or even furniture. When you click on what you chose you will see different catalogues, it's so easy. And why to use this site, just head on the Approved catalogues site's about us section.
In the meantime I made you a little collage for you maybe you will get inspired by me.
Can't wait to wear a sparkling, glitter dress soon!
Be marry, be thankful, and don't forget to be proud of yourself.

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥

7.: Trousers 8.: Lace up heels 

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