
The Fault in Our Stars

by - February 18, 2014

Hey guys,

I hope you are all fine and your week is starting off great :)
I bought last year some jewelry, and I totally forgot about these perfume bottle earrings, so I just wanted to show you. The daily post is about TFiOS. The pictures was taken a couple days after I read it, that's why I smiled :D

It’s took a long time to get this book, but I’m so happy I ignored all the book and movie spoilers so long. I received it last week, and I couldn’t put it down, and after a couple hours I was sitting on the couch, felt nothing and everything at the same time. I had tears in my eyes, and I thought life is so unfair.

I read 2-3 years ago My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult, and I was so sad, I mean I cried so much…. It was like 5 a.m. when I finished it… and I sobbed my heart out…that was the first time I read about someone who had cancer.

And now… somehow I expected that Hazel will alive (how long?????) but anyway I cried at the end. One of my favorite quote is in this book… "it would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you." I think this is the most wonderful sentence what someone can say to you. I feel really sensitive now… I feel like the whole world is just a black hole… and nothing matters, this black hole will have your soul… you die,  I die…. how can we deal with it. and with the pain?
I really feel like Augustus, I want to left a mark in the world too, I want to do awesome things, I want to be remarkable. but I’m just a dumb girl, who doesn’t matter.
And yes, my thoughts are stars too, and I think we are all stars, clouds, rain, we are everything and nothing.

Did you read the book or saw the movie trailer already? What are your thoughts about it?

Take care!
With love from Fashion Lights ♥

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  1. Enjoy your book! It sounds really beautiful! : )

    ❤ ✿ VISIT MY BLOG ✿ ❤

  2. Enjoy reading :)

    Check out my new post Here!!!
    (Please click on the adds of it)

  3. great!!! love your post


  4. I recently purchased this book and am excited to read it. Let me know on my blog if you'd like to follow each other.


  5. It seems like a good read!! Maybe i should start reading it too <3


  6. dankeschön! :)

    Schicke bilder, das buch sieht interessant aus :D

  7. I absolutely love the earrings! any jewelry that's makeup or perfume related is awesome. i'm your new follower, happy blogging! =) http://makeupmajesty.blogspot.com/

  8. So pretty pics. ;-)
    Lovely greets Nessa
